Pay local and global suppliers easily. Forget hidden FX fees and unclear exchange rates - the more you send, the more you save.
Global transfers
Make seamless payments to
10+ countries worldwide.
Fast & secure
Fast international payments with Bankgiro, SEPA, SEPA instant and SWIFT transfers.
Save money
Low and transparent FX fees.
Pay suppliers and invoices in the currency of your choice in countries across Europe, Asia, North America and Oceania.
You can send money between your Juni Accounts, to Accounts of other Juni customers, to accounts outside of Juni through SEPA and SWIFT transfers or via Bankgiro.
There are certain restrictions on where you can send money to depending on the IBAN currency you are transferring from. Refer to our help centre for a list of country and IBAN currencies.
Yes. When making a transfer or paying an invoice, you can select the payment type and choose between Bankgiro or IBAN.