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Case study

How EYTYS controls their cash flow with Juni Capital

EYTYS was founded in 2013, when Max Schiller and Jonathan Hirschfeld brought plimsoll sneakers with bold proportions to the market. The brand expanded to include a range of baggy jeans in 2017 and launched a full ready-to-wear collection at Paris Fashion Week in 2019. EYTYS has exciting goals to grow within the wholesale segment, their own channels and their key markets.

Unscripted growth

How EYTYS controls their cash flow with Juni Capital

EYTYS was founded in 2013, when Max Schiller and Jonathan Hirschfeld brought plimsoll sneakers with bold proportions to the market. The brand expanded to include a range of baggy jeans in 2017 and launched a full ready-to-wear collection at Paris Fashion Week in 2019. EYTYS has exciting goals to grow within the wholesale segment, their own channels and their key markets.

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

Before Juni
  • Scattered financial data
  • Limited investment in growth
  • Inefficient accounting processes
After Juni
  • Comprehensive overview of spend
  • Capital to fuel future growth
  • Automated accounting integration
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Before Juni

With Juni

The future

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Cash flow challenges

As an ambitious business looking to grow its distribution channels, EYTYS faced a cash flow challenge. Although EYTYS are getting healthy revenue from their customers and deposits from wholesalers, investing in the amount of inventory needed for new channels, and the brand building that comes with it, is a large outlay.

“To grow, we're focusing on branding and wholesale resale. That actually requires a lot of capital,” says Jonathan Hirschfeld, CEO at EYTYS.

“We had a mismatch in cash flow which makes it difficult to invest in future growth. That’s why we need Juni.”

With an increase in spend comes an increase in financial admin, which was leading to inefficient accounting processes and switching between multiple sources of information to see all their transactions.

“Our team needed an integrated financial solution linked to our accounting systems. That's how Juni is helping increase cash flow and decrease admin,” says Jonathan.

“Previously, we were using another solution to fund our invoices. But Juni goes beyond that and is a platform that gives us access to a wider offering.”

Effortless financial admin

Juni Capital is helping EYTYS increase their cash flow and invest in growth while waiting for sales as they expand the channels where their products are sold.

“Juni Capital helps us finance our inventory, without disrupting our cash flow. I’m really satisfied – it’s boosting cash flow, and we’re getting our inventory quicker,” says Jonathan.

Invoice Credit is a flexible financing solution designed to unlock growth tied up in inventory and supplier costs. With up to 120 days extra to pay any invoice, it allows businesses like Eytys to boost cash flow with financing from 10K up to 20 million EUR.

Not only are they using Juni to finance their inventory, they’re also investing in ad campaigns to boost their brand awareness and acquire new customers.

“Our marketing team uses Invoice Credit for our ad spend on Google and Facebook Ads,” says Jonathan. “Juni also fetches the invoice directly from the platform which speeds up expense reporting.”

With Juni, EYTYS can integrate their Swedbank account and their accounting software, Fortnox, for a comprehensive overview of spend and streamlined financial processes.

“It's a major plus to have all payment flows consolidated in one system that's directly connected to Fortnox.” says Jonathan. “We export invoices and transactions directly into Fortnox, which will be really helpful to save time when month-end approaches.”

The finance team at EYTYS are able to see transactions from PayPal, Swedbank, and their Juni cards all in one place. This is helping efficient reporting of expenses.

“Juni is saving a lot of time instead of looking into lots of different dashboards,” says Jonathan. “We aim to save a day a month on financial admin with Juni.”

Growing their channels

As EYTYS grows their distribution channels, they’ll have the capital they need to fund growth without compromising their cash flow, and the right tools to keep their financial admin efficient.


EYTYS (pronounced “Eighties”) was founded in 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. EYTYS believes in refining and elevating classics to fit a contemporary context. The unisex collections are created by exploring bold proportions while embracing traditional quality and craftsmanship.

About Juni

Juni gives businesses in digital commerce the financial tools and intelligence to manage and ease cash flow and make smarter decisions faster.

Gain complete visibility and control over your cash flow with a unified view of your funds, multi-currency business accounts, corporate cards, accounting automations and unparalleled insights and analytics – all in one place.

While Juni cashback is built to boost your bottom line, with Juni Capital you can extend your runway with flexible financing for everything from ads to inventory spend, with up to 120 days to repay. See availability for your country.

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